Salted sea......???

What a wonderful projects I have received!!!

I love them very much!!

Thank you guys!!

But ... now that we know the different steps of the water cycle, I would like to ask you something......

Do you know why is the sea water  salty? Have you ever wondered why?

I recommend you  to watch  this video to understand why:

Time to experiment!

we have different steps in the water cycle: EVAPORATION, CONDENSATION, PRECIPITATION....

We do not see the salt in the sea water, but we know that there is salt in it. We do not see salt... because it is dissolved in water.


2 bowls (or glasses)
Food colouring (not essential)


  1. Pour water into your bowl and add a few drops of food coloring to it, stir it around.
  2. Add your salt to the the water. The more salt you add, the more dramatic the effect.
  3. Set aside for a few days and watch to see what happens!

Using food coloring adds a more dramatic effect to the final part of this experiment but you can use just salt and water to get the same outcome.

Once you finish with this first bowl, take the second bowl. Do not add any salt in it.
1.- take the bowl
2.- add water (and food colouring)
3.- set aside for a few days.


1- Has the water evaporated in bowl 1?

2- Has the water in bowl 2 evaporated?

3- Which one has evaporated  faster?

4-  In the “real water cycle” which water do you think evaporates faster? The one in the lakes.... the one in the rivers, the one in the ocean.....

5- Why do you think so? Which one is fresh water and which one is salty water?

Do not forget to send me your results and pictures  to:

Deadline: May 29th

Good luck to everyone!!

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